Environmental Evaluations And Studies

On-site Environmental Assessment: During the assessment stage, Intexa will perform a detailed on-site evaluation about the state of the company in relation to legal environmental compliance, with the goal of achieving a better and more optimal final project. Likewise, we will perform a walk-through the facilities and create a photographic record of the actual situation of the company. We create an assessment report in which we explain existing gaps in legal requirements and the company’s compliance in accordance to the results obtained from the on-site visit. The diagnostics report with the process results will be presented. It includes gaps founds and also, we deliver an implementation proposal to eliminate those gaps. We perform a briefing on the most relevant topics of the assessment to the projects’ counterpart.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The environmental assessment is the initial step to establish the gaps that the project needs to amend. This in accordance to the applicability of current environmental legislation and in relation to the activities performed by the company. The cycle begins by defining the current state of the organization in environmental matters and ends with the acquisition of permits, regularization, studies, authorizations, and pertinent resolutions, among others. It’s important to note that the cycle is not closed with the performance of the assessment. This is a tool to establish the steps to follow until obtaining construction authorization and final reception of it.