Management System Implementation

a. Initial Meeting Prior to the beginning of the implementation process. A coordination meeting takes place, which aims to:

  1. Introduce Intexa S.A.’s consulting team
  2. Assemble the Implementing Team of the company, which should at least reflect the responsible people for all the processes included in the scope of the management system to be implemented.
  3. Name the representative in charge of the regulation to be implemented.
  4. Review the proposed implementation methodology, and set project start date and day of the week on which Intexa S.A. consultants will perform on-site visits.

b. Initial Assessment. During the assessment stage, Intexa S.A. will perform a detailed assessment of the initial condition of the company in relation to the following standards: ISO 9001:9001, ISO 14001:14001 and OHSAS 18001:18001. This in order to get the best results in the final project. In this activity we perform individual meetings with each member of the implementing team. This assessment will be validated later with the subsequent mandatory workshop on the relevant regulations to be implemented and the report is issued accordingly, indicating the corresponding gaps that must be closed when the process is finished.

c. Training in matters related to the implementation of the Integrated Management System ISO 9001, ISO 14001 y OHSAS 18001(SIG). This training is specially directed to the implementing team, nevertheless some considered hours are destined for top executives and also for the entire company.

  • General concepts and requirements on Quality, Environment, and Occupational Safety Regulations
  • Strategic Planning
  • Process Management
  • SIG Documentation
  • Sensibilization, which is done to the entire organization.
  • Auditing Process
  • Non-conformity Resolution